One of the most challenging aspects of retirement planning is determining how much money you should save. Employer-provided retirement plans, investments, and Social Security are the three most prevalent alternatives.
Many sources recommend setting objectives for yourself. Many retirement planning experts recommend aiming to replace 70% to 85% of your pre-retirement income. In other words, your objective should be to save enough money to live on $70,000 to $85,000 per year if you make $100,000 per year. In Australia, people live an average of 20 years after retirement.
Choosing Your Needs Based on Your Current Income
Using current income to estimate retirement demands is ineffective for persons who are just starting out in their careers. If you’re in your twenties or thirties, you’re probably making an entry-level or mid-level salary in your sector. If you change careers, your income may fall for a while, affecting your savings formula. If you don’t know what your pre-retirement income will be over the years, it’s difficult to forecast how much you’ll need in your golden years.
What If You’re a Savvy Spender?
Another issue with the “replace your income” rule of thumb is that it assumes you spend the majority of your earnings. It suggests that you spend between 70% and 85% of your income if you save 10% to 15% for retirement and another 10% to 15% for non-retirement savings. This strategy presupposes that you do not anticipate any changes in your spending patterns throughout retirement.
People do not always spend the majority of their earnings. In truth, some people spend more than they make, resulting in credit card debt, while others spend far less than they earn. Another reason why basing your retirement forecasts on your previous income (rather than your future costs) is not the greatest foundation for planning is that it is not the most accurate.

Income isn’t the best metric for deciding how much money you should put aside for retirement. Expenses are also not a good alternative. However, spending may be the greatest barometer for determining how much you should attempt to conserve. Some of your present costs will decrease, while others will increase, so it makes sense to anticipate that what you spend today will be roughly equivalent to what you pay during your retirement years.
Divide current annual spending by 25
Here’s a general rule of thumb to help you figure out how much money you’ll need when you retire: Divide your current yearly expenditure by 25. That is what your retirement savings must be in order for you to securely withdraw 4% of that amount each year to live on.
If you spend $40,000 per year today, you’ll need an investment portfolio worth 25 times that amount—$1 million at the start of your retirement—if you spend $40,000 per year now. This sum enables you to take 4% in your first year of retirement, and the same 4% adjusted for inflation each year after that. You’ll keep a fair likelihood that you won’t outlive your money.
Even with a salary of $30,000 to $40,000, you can build a $1 million portfolio if you start saving early, as early as your twenties.
An SMSF setup allows you to choose from a wide range of investment options, including shares, property, and managed funds. It provides flexibility and potential tax advantages but also requires careful administration and compliance with regulations.
Don’t Defer Retirement Savings
Don’t be discouraged if you begin saving later in life. The greatest method to compensate for a late start is to save more aggressively.
The older you get, the more you should save and diversify your retirement savings each month. Don’t over-allocate a part of your assets to equities in the mistaken belief that riskier investments are required to make up for missed decades of savings. Risk has two faces. If your investments deteriorate, you won’t have as much time to recover.
Invest in index funds. Look for funds with cheap fees. Divide your money between equities and bonds. Continue to do so for the remainder of your working life, with the objective of saving 25 times your present level of spending by the time you retire.
To ensure you’re on track, use a retirement calculator. Ignore ominous headlines in the financial press. You’re in it for the long haul. Getting caught up in the market’s daily ups and downs will only slow your progress.
If you’re starting late in saving for retirement, concentrate on strategies to increase your income or reduce your costs. A mix of the two is optimal.

Rethink Retirement Plan
People work later in life for a variety of reasons. If you had a late start and need to earn more to make up the difference between what you need and what you have, consider a few choices before you “technically” retire.
If you enjoy your employment, it may make sense to stay and take advantage of employer contributions as well as additional contributions to your Super. You’ll also be able to maintain your other perks for a bit longer.
You might use your decades of knowledge to work as a consultant part-time for a few years while your money grows, or you could start a second profession in a field you’ve always been interested in. If taking a wage decrease allows you to stay on pace to achieve your financial needs, go on a new journey in a new industry for a few more years.
Rethink Your Way of Life
Maybe you didn’t start saving late, but you really can’t afford to construct an investment portfolio that represents your current level of spending. You might have to reconsider what sort of retirement lifestyle you desire. There are several methods to save money while maintaining an active lifestyle.
It could be a good idea to downsize. Instead of maintaining your current house, retire to a place less expensive. You could even go a step further and retire somewhere with a reduced cost of living.
There are several methods to make retirement work for you. Save what you can, even if you don’t plan on retiring with a $1 million portfolio, and then change the behaviors that define your lifestyle. To get a plan with direction on what to do, you might need the help of a professional retirement planner.
How Much Money Does A Typical Individual Require to Retire?
When calculating how much you’ll need to retire, keep the 80% rule in mind. According to the 80% rule, you must replace 80% of your pre-retirement income. If you were earning $100,000 before retiring, you should be able to earn around $80,000 per year in retirement.
What proportion of my income should I put into my retirement savings?
It is recommended that you contribute at least 15% of your pre-tax income. The percentage you set aside for retirement can vary depending on your specific circumstances, such as how much you’ll need during retirement and how much you can afford to set aside each month. A retirement calculator used by retirement planners from Omura Wealth Advisers can help you estimate how much money you’ll need in addition to your employer’s Super contribution.